Here are more photos posted on Picasa, GA ING 2009.
One of the Friendliest Running Clubs in Atlanta
Along the cold, dark streets of the Old Fourth Ward, Grant Park and other intown neighborhoods, three Atlantans jogged in unison past homes, local pubs and small shops.
They trotted by Standard Food & Spirits, where a popular bartender had recently been murdered, and made a donation to the reward fund. They took photos in front of a dilapidated motel along Hilliard Street to document how it had become an incubator for vagrants and illicit activity.
Since December, their weekly Tuesday evening runs have attracted a following, and the original threesome has grown into a throng of 30 or so people, including a bicycle-riding child, a mother pushing a stroller and a few baby boomers. A Facebook page about their free-to-join group has attracted more than 200 supporters.
Atlanta non-profit bike cooperative to host fifth annual Broken Hearts and Bicycle Parts benefit party and bicycle scavenger hunt on March 6 - 7, 2009
Contact: Rachael Spiewak, 404-425-9989, info@sopobikes.org, http://www.sopobikes.org/
Who: Sopo Bike Co-op, Atlanta's nonprofit community bicycle repair shop.
What: Broken Hearts and Bicycle Parts is a weekend of friend and fundraising events for Sopo Bicycle Co-op, including a benefit show on Friday night at Lenny's Bar and an Alley Cat (bicycle scavenger hunt) on Saturday night. Last year's event drew 150 cyclists, and raised $2,000 for the co-op.
The benefit show features entertainment by Brittany Bosco, Futureshock, Atlanta Sedition Orchestra, and the Krewe of Grateful Gluttons (Lenny's Bar, 21+, $5 or free with Alley Cat Preregistration, 9 pm until close). The couples Alley Cat meets at Graveyard Tavern, and will take teams of two on a semi-competitive tour of the city, ending at Wonderroot for prizes and food (18+, $20 per couple or $12 per single entry, 6 pm, Preregister online at www.sopobikes.org). Prizes mostly given for style, with some for speed. Helmets, lights, and locks strongly encouraged.