Monday, November 29, 2010
Avondale Tour of Homes and Holiday Market
Christmas is an amazing time here in Avondale Estates and the Tour of Homes and Holiday Market add to the wonderful feeling of the holiday spirit. This year trolleys will be back in town to take visitors from house to house. Pick up the trolley between two Points of Interest…the Avondale Baptist Church and The Museum School.
December 12th!
Visit the site here.
Decatur Holiday Candlelight Tour of Homes
Friday & Saturday
December 3 & 4 • 5:30-9:30 pm
Decatur’s 28th annual Holiday Candlelight Tour of Homes features nine older homes in the Oakhurst neighborhood of Decatur, which celebrates its centennial this year. Also featured: the Clairemont Holiday Marketplace and Café at Clairemont Elementary as a Point of Interest.Check the site here.
Local Races This Weekend
Let the Jingle Jogs begin…
Saturday, December 4
XTERRA Georgia Victoria Bryant State Park 5K / 10K Trail Run Royston (not local but cool enough)
ATC Cross-Country 5K, Milton (not local but cool enough)
1st Annual Elf Trot 5K, Kennesaw
Jingle Bell Trail 5K & Mile Fun Run, Peachtree City
Jingle Jog 5K, Cumming
Sunday, December 5
Santa Safety Run 5K & Tot Trot, Inman Park
No Aspirin Needed
From Running Times online…
Fight Inflammation with Food
Maximize your diet to minimize NSAIDs use
By Jackie Dikos, R.D.
As featured in the Web Only issue of Running Times Magazine
Who wants to start or finish a run by downing pills? Sure, there are aspects of running that can hurt. One might call an ultra event a journey in overcoming pain, soreness and inflammation. Even an easy 3-mile run can be a painful, daunting task when battling tendinitis, muscle strain or a generally aching body.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), like ibuprofen, are used to ease pain and inflammation, so it would only make sense to utilize them when we intentionally push the body to the point of pain and inflammation, right? Not so fast. The body may adapt better to training when left to heal without the use of anti-inflammatories; minimizing their use allows runners to listen to warning signs and adjust training with a clearer perspective.
Taking ibuprofen before an ultra can actually increase oxidative stress on the body by reducing the kidneys’ ability to manage the by-products of a long and demanding endurance crusade. Pre-race consumption of NSAIDs can also contribute to electrolyte imbalances, which can have devastating effects during distance events.
Dietary adjustments provide the healthiest alternative to popping anti-inflammatory medications. Consider some of the following tips to reduce inflammation naturally.
Read on here.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Jogging for Justice
November 24, 2010, 10:40 AM ET
Jogging for Justice: One Florida Judge’s Novel Idea
By Nathan Koppel
But can a defendant be asked to strap on running shoes and hit the road?
A Florida judge came up with the unusual idea of having juvenile offenders participate in a jogging program . . . with the judge.
Read on here.
Developing a Good Kick
Developing a Good Kick
Sage advice from a champion Ethiopian kicker
As featured in the November 2010 issue of Running Times Magazine
The conventional wisdom is that a runner with strong finishing speed should attempt to win with a kick. This was the tactic used by 20-year-old Lelisa Desisa to win the Utica Boilermaker 15K in July, a race on a hilly course, including a downhill finish that can favor a strong kicker.
"I am very confident to run in a pack or in the lead," says Desisa, who had placed third at the Peachtree Road Race 10K on July 4, another close race with a fast finish. That confidence, of course, comes from training -- not just the physical conditioning, but also learning one's strengths and aiming to improve upon weaknesses. In addition, Desisa knew the competition at Utica, and he wasn't fazed by the prospect of a hilly course. "The week before, at Peachtree, I raced against some of the same athletes. I like to run hills and was confident at the start that I would win the race," he says.
Read on here.
Developing Intrinsic Motivation
Developing Intrinsic Motivation
Learn to weather the weather, whatever the weather
As featured in the November 2010 issue of Running Times Magazine

Coach Worful carefully tended my budding running career. He took the team to the sports rehab clinic to learn stretching and strengthening exercises. He spoke privately with my parents about my potential. He actively involved me in important training and racing decisions. But I set the alarm for 6 a.m. so that I could rise in time to fill a thermos with orange juice and ice cream, drop my backpack at my friend's door, and then run the 4.5 miles to school holding the thermos in my hand so that I could have an Orange-Julius-style shake when I arrived.
Twenty-eight years later, I still rise before dawn on many mornings to supplement my training mileage. My wife, burrowing deeper under the covers, thinks almost audibly: How do you do it?
Read on here.
Atlanta Turkey Half-Marathon and 5K
Good Luck to all who are running!
And I'm not all that disappointed that the Full-Marathon is gone. The Half is one of the best I have run.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Female Jogger Attacked In Kirkwood
Picked up from Decatur Metro…
Info form Atlanta Police’s Major Dalton, Zone 6 Commander…
On November 17, 2010 at approximately 8:30 p.m., a female was attacked while jogging on Ridgedale at Hillcrest. The victim was grabbed from behind and drug into a wooded area on the northeast side of Ridgedale after she crossed Hillcrest. Due to the time of night and the way in which she was attacked she is unable to provide a detailed description of the suspect.
The Departments Special Victims Unit will be handling the case and would appreciate any information residents in the neighborhood can provide. If anyone has any questions or concerns, please feel free to call or email me directly.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Volunteer at Atlanta Half Marathon & Thanksgiving Day 5K
Below is a plea from the Atlanta Track Club. They are still short of volunteers so if you’re looking for something to do on Thanksgiving morning before you enjoy your Thanksgiving feast consider volunteering.
Volunteer at the Atlanta Half Marathon and Thanksgiving Day 5K
If you’re looking for a fun way to kick-off your Thanksgiving, consider volunteering at the 2010 Atlanta Half Marathon and Thanksgiving Day 5K. The Atlanta Track Club is still in search of close to 500 volunteers to help out with the Thanksgiving Day event. As a thank you for all their efforts, all volunteers will receive an Atlanta Half Marathon fleece vest. Visit for more information on how to sign up to be a volunteer at the 2010 Atlanta Half Marathon and Thanksgiving Day 5K.
Local Races This Weekend
Saturday, November 20
Run for Justice 5K, Oakhurst
Paideia School "Slither" 5K, Atlanta
Lakeside HS Annual Viking 5K, Decatur
Sunday, November 21
4th Annual Gobbler 5K Run & Mile, Athens (not so local)
The Art and Science of Marathon Pacing
In most every marathon I have ran, this has always baffled me. My best marathon was done by going hard in the first half and surviving the 2nd half. The last time I tried this method, it failed me miserably because I hit the wall at mile 16 and made for a painful and very long 10 mile finish.
From Running Competitor online…
The Art and Science of Marathon Pacing
Updated: Nov 11th 2010 11:04 AM EST by Matt Fitzgerald
Why we hit the wall in marathons, and how not to.
My first marathon was the 1999 California International Marathon in Sacramento. As I trained for it, many of my friends who were marathon veterans gave me the usual warnings to “respect the distance,” pace myself conservatively, and avoid setting too ambitious a goal. I truly believed that I would heed this advice, but I did not. My 6:06 first mile felt so easy that I decided to forge ahead at that pace. Consequently, by the 18-mile mark I was walking. I finished in 3:34, after having run the first half in under 1:23.
My second marathon was the 2000 Long Beach Marathon. I truly believed I had learned my lesson and started at a slightly more conservative pace than I had in Sacramento, despite the fact that I was now fitter. But by the 23-mile mark I was again walking. I finished in 3:11, a scant 26 minutes off my goal time.
Not until I ran my third marathon did I run my first halfway decent one. I finished in 2:46:42 at the 2001 Rock n’ Roll San Diego Marathon. Yet while I did not fall apart in this race as I had in my first two marathons, I still slowed substantially in the closing 5K. My average pace over the first 23 miles was under 6:20 per mile, but my last mile was run in the range of 7:30.
If I have learned only one thing from the 14 marathons I have now run it’s that pacing oneself optimally in a marathon is very difficult. The only marathons in which I have not run the second half substantially slower than the first are the few I have run non-competitively, as workouts. I don’t have this problem at shorter distances. My pace is almost always metronomically steady in 5K’s, 10K’s, and half marathons, even on my bad days.
I am hardly unusual in this regard. The vast majority of experienced runners are able to pace themselves well in shorter events but bonk to some degree before they reach the finish line in marathons. For example, in the 2007 California International Marathon, which happens to be the most recent marathon I’ve run, only 24 of the top 100 finishers managed to run the second half of the race no worse than one minute slower than the first. By contrast, in the 2008 Carlsbad Half Marathon, only eight of the top 100 finishers slowed to a similar degree.
Why is pacing the marathon so much more difficult than pacing shorter races? And for that matter, considering the fact that even the winner of most marathons runs the first half slower than the second, can we even assume that maintaining an even pace throughout the entire race is the optimal marathon pacing strategy? What can we do to improve our marathon pacing? Let’s tackle these questions one by one.
Read on here.
Running Safely Through Pregnancy
From Running Times online…
Running Safely Through Pregnancy
You can run while pregnant if you know what to expect
By Mackenzie Lobby
As featured in the Web Only issue of Running Times Magazine
The running community sat up and took notice this year as one elite runner after the next announced their pregnancies. There has been much said about Kara Goucher and Paula Radcliffe’s shared due date this month, as well as Deena Kastor’s recent announcement that she will forgo regular training for the next nine months. To the interest of many, Sara Vaughn blogged about her day-to-day experience of pregnancy and the journey back to the roads after giving birth. Carrie Tollefson, who had her first baby in April, has been frequently cited discussing the 2010 birth and the 2012 Olympics in the same breath.
While the existing literature on exercise and pregnancy has come a long way, a certain stigma remains attached to running with child. Although the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists propose that 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week is safe and suggested, their 2002 research basis has already been trumped by emerging evidence that advocates for the safety of longer bouts of exercise. In fact, a literature review published last year examined a wide base of recent studies that monitored the health of both the mother and child, showing that the former half-hour guidelines of the early aughts may be outdated and underestimated.
The recent research, as well as stories of pregnancy from the best of the best in women’s running, serve as testaments to the fact that running through pregnancy can be both safe and beneficial for most running mothers and their babies. That being said, it is no jog in the park. As the research elucidates, pregnant runners encounter plenty of changes and physiological surprises as they run through their nine months. Consider a few of the following common issues associated with running during pregnancy and always consult your doctor before entering into a running regimen.
Read on here.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Urban Hiking The Beltline
From Urban Hiking Atlanta…
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
**11/20/10 Beltline Hike planned**
Hello friends and hikers,
It's been far too long and the Beltline has seen many drastic
improvements, so join me this Saturday as we hike the stretch from
Amsterdam Walk south to DeKalb Ave. Also it's supposed to be 64 and
What: FREE 5-6 mile walk on the eastside Beltline trail
When: 10am-1pm (can be cut short)
Where: meet at Amsterdam Walk (550 Amsterdam Ave, ATL)
Who: EVERYONE is invited including kids, adults, and leashed dogs
Why: great weather calls for a great walk to see some great changes
Check out this PBA video from last year to see what this section of the
Beltline USED to look like: (and to see what Angel and I looked like too)
Map of route:
Feel free to stage cars at DeKalb and Airline St if you like, but be at
Amsterdam by 10am to walk with the group.
Read the post here.
Hit By Deer During Race, Recovering
The Future Of US Women's Marathoning
Don't Get Sick!
I am working over a cold right now so this article interests me…
Food for Runners
Don't Get Sick!
What to eat and drink to avoid getting sidelined by common winter woes.
By Leslie Goldman
From the December 2010 issue of Runner's World
Winter presents a number of training obstacles for runners. Shorter, darker days and icy roads can freeze training in its tracks, while a storm of season-specific health problems—including cold fingers and toes, stiff, achy joints, and even seasonal depression—can leave you wanting to skip your run altogether. Luckily, making certain foods and drinks a regular part of your diet can help you avoid common winter problems, says David Grotto, R.D., author of 101 Optimal Life Foods. So before a winter woe sidelines you from yet another workout, try these consumable prescriptions for staying healthy—and running strong—all season long.
Read on here.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Run for Justice 5K
Decatur, Ga. - Oakhurst
A 5K run and walk to benefit Atlanta Legal Aid Society
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Protein Sports Drinks
Article from the NT Times online…
Phys Ed: Do Protein Sports Drinks Work?
Could sports drinks be improved with the addition of protein? That question has long gripped physiologists and nutritionists. It’s well established that the carbohydrates (sugars) that sweeten most sports drinks aid performance. They provide immediate fuel for straining muscles, keep blood-sugar levels stable and allow you to work out for a longer period of time or at a higher intensity, or both, than if you don’t swallow any extra fuel. But why wouldn’t taking in protein, together with carbohydrates, during a workout or race make you even more speedy and durable? Protein, after all, is what muscles fundamentally are made of, so it seems reasonable to imagine that adding it to sports drinks could provide some additional benefit.
Read on here.
Changing the NYC Marathon Course
Shalane in 2nd
Quick Workouts
From Runners World online…
Tips for Beginning Runners
Just 20 Minutes
When time is short, quick workouts will keep you fit.
By Jeff Galloway
From the December 2010 issue of Runner's World
Holidays are certainly joyous, but family gatherings, holiday parties, and office functions can bump running right off your to-do list. Fortunately, you don't need to run for hours to maintain your fitness during this busy time of year. The following 20-minute (or less) workouts cover all the bases of strength, speed, and endurance well enough so you can start the New Year strong.
Read on here.
The Final Push
From Runners World online…
Training Tips
Final Push
With the right last-minute strategies, you can still hit an unmet running goal.
By Amy Rushlow
From the December 2010 issue of Runner's World
Like many runners, you probably set a resolution last January. You planned to enter your first race, or set a PR. Congratulations if you did it. But if life got in the way—plans got pushed back, runs got derailed—don't despair. There's still time to make good on a goal, even if you have to rethink it a bit. "Modifying a goal is truly the sign of a wise runner," says Jenny Hadfield, coauthor of Marathoning for Mortals. "Instead of lamenting what you haven't accomplished, use the fitness you have to reach a target that's achievable in the time you have left." Here's how to end your year on a high note.
Read on here.
2nd Annual Chili Cook-Off -- Sunday, November 16th @ Steinbeck's
Monday, November 8, 2010
2010 Atlanta Undy 5000
Local Races This Weekend
Saturday, November 13
Undy Run 5000, Decatur
A Future. Not a Past 5K. 7200 Steps to Stop Demand, Candler Park
Race 2 Recycle 5K, Piedmont Park
Hillside Fall Fiesta 5K, Virginia Highlands
Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon & Half Marathon, Chickamauga, Ga. (not local but a great race to run)
Elaine Clark's Hustle for Hope 5K, St. Pius X High School
Sunday, November 14
Girls on the Run 5K, Inman Park
What types of runs?
From Competitor Running online…
Running 101: The 8 Basic Types of Runs
Updated: Oct 29th 2010 10:50 AM EDT by Training
If you want to run your best, you’ve got to do a variety of workouts. Here’s how.
There are eight basic types of runs that are practiced by runners of all levels everywhere. These formats evolved through a global trial-and-error process over many decades. They survived because they work. If you want to get the most out of the time you devote to training, you will need to learn and practice them too. You can add all kinds of wrinkles to these formats (for example by combining two of them within a single session), but even in their most basic form these workouts will take you far.
Read on here.
2010 NYC Marathon
Congrats to the winners and the top Americans. NYC was also the USA National Marathon Championships. I was watching the final 3 women finish and it was an exciting race. Shalane dropped back to 3rd while Edna pulled away and then Shalane comes back to finish 2nd.
1. Gebre Gebremariam, Ethiopia, 2:08:14
2. Emmanuel Mutai, Kenya, 2:09:17
3. Moses Kigen Kipkosgei, Kenya, 2:10:39
4. Abderrahim Goumri, Morocco, 2:10:51
5. James Kwambai, Kenya, 2:1131
6. Meb Keflezighi, USA, 2:11:38
7. Marilson Gomes dos Santos, Brazil, 2:11:51
8. Dathan Ritzenhein, USA, 2:12:33
9. Abel Kirui, Kenya, 2:13:01
10. Abderrahime Bouramdane, Morocco, 2:14:07
1. Edna Kiplagat, Kenya, 2:28:20
2. Shalane Flanagan, USA, 2:28:40
3. Mary Keitany, Kenya, 2:29:01
4. Inga Abitova, Russia, 2:29:17
5. Kim Smith, New Zealand, 2:29:28
6. Christelle Daunay, France, 2:29:29
7. Ludmila Petrova, Russia, 2:29:41
8. Caroline Rotich, Kenya, 2:29:46
9. Madai Perez, Mexico, 2:29:53
10. Buzunesh Deba, Ethiopia, 2:29:55
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Local Races This Weekend
Saturday, November 6
Zooma Women's Half Marathon & 5K, Chateau Elan
Breathe. Walk. Live. Atlanta 5K, Georgia Tech
Inman Middle School 5K, Virginia Highlands
XTERRA Georgia Battle At Big Creek 5.0 / 9.0 Mile Trail Run, Roswell
ATC Run Around the Rock 5M/10M/15M & Mile, Stone Mountain
Strong Legs Run 10K/5K/2K, Turner Field
No More Excuses 5K/Mile, Alpharetta
Cabbagetown Romp and Stomp 5K, Cabbagetown
Sunday, November 7
The Impossible 5K, Kennesaw
Fall Back 5K/Mile/Tot Trot, Sandy Springs
NYC Marathon Barefoot
Sportsmanship in OR cross Country Meet
As read in…
Sportsmanship wins the day in Ashland
by Doug Binder
The Oregon high school cross country championships don’t take place until Saturday and yet already there is one triumph in the books.
On Saturday at the Class 5A District 1 meet, the Ashland boys benefited from a disqualification and held the No. 2 spot, and state meet berth, in their hands.
And then, after a group huddle and some on-the-spot soul searching, Ashland gave it away.
Read on here.