Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Marathon?

From the NY Times online...

How Long Does It Take to Recover From a Marathon?
By GINA KOLATA, Reporter

I ran my first marathon this month. It went well, and despite my fears, I had fun. I met my goals - qualified for the Boston Marathon with nearly half an hour to spare and came in second in my age group. But the big surprise was my coach's advice the next day.

It will take four weeks to fully recover, he told me. That seemed like an awfully long time.

I was running again in three days, and I felt better than ever when I ran the week after. Who says recovery should take weeks?

As it turns out, there's not much rigorous research on recovery after strenuous exercise. There have been almost no long-term studies, and there's little agreement on what to measure or how to measure it. This aspect of competition is rife with unsubstantiated dogma.

Read on here<http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/03/19/how-long-does-it-take-to-recover-from-a-marathon/>.

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